Come join the new fieldwork coordinator, Laurie Markham, for light refreshments and conversation on Monday, November 9th at 3:00 in WPH 206. Laurie is eager to meet you and to hear about your fieldwork experiences thus far. She would also like to know about any questions you might have as you look toward graduation, or ideas you would like to share, given your experience. Gathering this information will help her target her efforts to assist you (and also future PASA and EC students). She looks forward to meeting you all!
In Case You Missed It:
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to take the opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Laurie Markham, and I am the new fieldwork coordinator for the MFT, PASA, and EC master’s programs. I am a licensed MFT and have worked in a variety of settings (e.g. private practice, DMH-funded agency, residential program, Pepperdine University’s community counseling center in Irvine). Prior to starting at USC, I worked as a clinical therapist for UCLA’s Behavioral Health Associates for two years. I also developed a Medi-Cal program for a local non-profit agency, Miracle Mile Community Practice, which is a training site for Narrative Therapy. Narrative is a passion of mine, and I have presented and written about such topics as power relations, the supervisory relationship, and Narrative Therapy with children and their families.
Helping students is a second passion of mine. My first career was as a high school teacher. In fact, it was teaching AP Psychology classes that led me to pursue an MFT degree. Looking back on graduate school, I realize that having access to excellent professors and supervisors (and other mentors along the way) helped me establish myself and find my way as various opportunities presented themselves. Since becoming licensed I have taught practicum and pre-practicum courses for master’s students at CSUSB and Pepperdine with the hope of ‘giving back’ to a profession that I have found to be quite rewarding. I am especially excited to be at USC given the Rossier School of Education’s excellent reputation and USC’s rich tradition of supporting its community members.
As we move through the school year I will be eager to assist with any questions you might have about fieldwork (e.g. the requirements, finding a site, what to expect, navigating the experience, etc.). In the meantime, please stop by and introduce yourself. My office is located on the third floor of WPH, 304-C. I will be here on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and available by appointment on Fridays.
I look forward to working with all of you.
Best, Laurie Markham, MA, MFT Fieldwork Coordinator, Master’s Programs Office USC Rossier School of Education