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Welcome Back to our Assistant Director – Julienne Jose-Chen!

Rossier MPO

Dear students,

I hope you are all doing well! As many of you know, I was recently out on leave as we have just recently welcomed the newest addition to the family. I am very excited to return to the Master’s Program Office but have not yet had the pleasure of meeting some of  you. So I want to introduce myself to the incoming students of the Summer 2018 and Fall 2018 cohorts.

My name is Julienne Jose-Chen and I am the Associate Director of the Master’s Program Office. I have been working at USC for about 7 years but have been part of the Rossier family even before that as I am also an alum from the PASA Program. I am very passionate about higher education and student affairs and I look forward to meeting and engaging with you all.

A big thank you to the team–Dr. Venegas (outgoing MPO faculty chair), James, Solomon, and Marianna, for continuing to support our students to the highest level. Also, we welcome the new faculty chair Dr. Helena Seli! If you ever have any questions or concerns about your program or about your experience please do not hesitate to contact the staff or myself. We are here to help!

We will be reaching out in the coming weeks with more information about upcoming events so please continue to check your email and social media outlets for those updates! I hope the fall semester is off to a great start and best of luck with the remaining semester! Take care!


Julienne Jose-Chen

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